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4 Dating Red Flags You Should Be Aware Of

Dating is a minefield at the best of times but if you find someone you seem to click with, it can make the world seem a better place. You spend the first few months looking at your love and your relationship through rose-tinted glasses, but what are the red flags that you should be looking out for if you want to avoid heartache later on?

Love Bombing

If something looks too good to be true, then it probably is, and this goes for relationships too. Love bombing is when a person shows over-the-top emotions and affection. You might feel special for a while if you are being complimented all the time or excited if your love interest wants to take things to the next level very quickly, but this could be a way of making you commit to the relationship and manipulate you. They may move on to asking you to cut other people out of your life and checking up on you many times per day. Take the romance at your own pace and just enjoy being together while you get to know each other. 

They Are Controlling

It might seem flattering if a love interest wants to order for you in a restaurant, choose the film you see on every date, or suggest what you might like to wear. It might take the pressure off you for a while, but this type of control is never going to lead to a happy healthy relationship. Many domestic abusers start by being controlling to their partners and then progress to violence over time. If this is affecting you, visit for some good advice.

You Are Doing the Chasing

Some people like to be chased but if they are blowing hot and cold on you, canceling dates, or not committing to a time and date to get together then this is a red flag. Some serial daters like to keep several potential partners hanging on while they play the field. If someone is keen on you, they will want to meet regularly and suggest dates to go on. If this isn’t happening, move on and find someone who is as keen to be in the relationship as you are. 

They Make Fun of You

If your love interest always seems to be making fun of you in a way that upsets you, or makes you feel uncomfortable then it is best to say goodbye. You may fear that you are being oversensitive, but if they are making you feel disrespected and demeaned then the relationship won’t work. If you stay together, you will always be the butt of their jokes. True love will make you feel good about yourself and give you confidence so go and find one of these instead. 

Dating should be fun and exciting. If you are experiencing any of the above red flags, then you should walk away. After all, there are plenty more fish in the sea. 

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