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7 crucial tips that will help with your Huntsville divorce

It has probably taken months of deliberation to decide about the divorce. Before you start with the paperwork in Huntsville, you should take a good look at the various implications. While you can read about Alabama laws online, nothing compares to solid legal advice from an expert. Consider consulting a Huntsville family law attorney as soon as possible, even when that means paying a higher fee. For your help, we have enlisted seven essential tips that will help you get through the process. 

Know your financial situation

Were you a stay-at-home spouse? Did you have assets before the marriage? Did you inherit assets from your side of the family during the course of the marriage? Evaluating your financial status quo before the divorce is critical to ensure you know what to expect from the process. Alabama is an equitable distribution state, which means assets and properties owned by spouses will be divided fairly between them. That may not always mean an equal share as your spouse. 

Avoid dating immediately

While it is natural for you to crave companionship and want to move on, do not date publicly during the divorce and unless you get the decree. If you are already in a relationship, let your attorney know and ensure you don’t post anything in public or on social media. That is particularly true when the divorce is a contested one and or your spouse is unlikely to cooperate. 

Create a post-divorce budget

How are you going to manage your life after the divorce? That’s an essential question to answer. You may want to ask your attorney for help, and if necessary, they may connect you to a financial advisor. You should have enough to support yourself, and if you haven’t been working so far, your lawyer can guide you on spousal support. Alimony is based on various factors, including the length of the marriage. 

Be reasonable and flexible

People often ride high on emotions during the divorce and fail to see the larger picture. When it comes to the legal aspects, be reasonable with your demands. You should be willing to cooperate and compromise when necessary unless you want to go to trial. Remember, when the court takes over, the outcome can be far worse than you expect. 

Discuss the option of mediation

In a contested divorce, things may get ugly, but it doesn’t mean you have to opt for litigation. Trials are not just expensive but also time-consuming and a matter of public record. Washing your dirty linen in public is never a good idea. Instead, consider mediation, where you and your spouse can negotiate and discuss things before the mediator, who will remain neutral and won’t influence the process. 

Children should be your priority 

Child custody and child support are the two most sensitive issues in a divorce. While you may want to keep the custody of your kids, you should always consider their interests first. What’s better for the child? Try to answer that question. Courts usually encourage joint custody, and if you and your spouse can come up with a parenting plan, that is always ideal. 

See a therapist

While your divorce lawyer in Huntsville is critical for the legal process, you cannot expect them to help you with your emotions. If necessary, see a therapist to keep your well-being in check. Don’t shy away from discussing the hard things. Your family and friends can help, but it may not always be possible to share everything that is private and a matter of pain. 

Choose an attorney with credible experience and ask them questions about Alabama laws before proceeding further.

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