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Peshawar Terrorist Attack: How it changed many Lives?

Students who were lucky enough to escape the massacre that took place in a school in Pakistan last year and which resulted in the deaths of at least 144 people are still having trouble coping with the aftermath of the tragedy.

At least 132 children were murdered at the Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar, Pakistan, by seven individuals armed with firearms in the month of December 2013.

The story behind APS Terrorist Attack in Peshawar

More than a thousand individuals, including students and staff, were present at the Army Public School when the incident occurred. The children of active-duty and retired military personnel made up a significant portion of the student body.

Thus, the terrorists began their assault in the middle of the morning when they scaled a wall to enter the large compound where they were hiding out. According to some reports, in order to divert the attention of the school’s security personnel, they detonated their own vehicle.

As soon as they entered the main assembly hall, which was being used by a large number of students for a lesson on first aid, the assailants began shooting randomly at the students. After entering the classrooms, the assailants, who were armed with grenades and automatic rifles, targeted the teachers and older students with the majority of their gunfire.

According to official sources, they only intended to kill people and never made an attempt to hold others hostage.

What was the rate of deaths and injuries?

At some point, commandos from the Special Services Group of the Pakistani army appeared on the scene and were able to corner the attackers, all of whom were wearing suicide vests that contained explosives.

During the course of the battle, the assailants were put to death, and a few soldiers were injured by the shrapnel from the attackers’ vests. It was estimated that the attack had taken place over the course of approximately eight hours.

Even as it was going on, concerned parents began to gather at the entrance of the school. According to a variety of reports, the gunmen were responsible for the deaths of 150 people and injuries to more than 100.

Who accepted responsibility for the attack?

The radical Islamic group known as Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, has taken responsibility for the massacre. The leaders of the TTP attempted to argue that the massacre was acceptable. This was because members of their group had been subjected to brutal attacks by the government.

The military operation known as “Zarb-e-Azb,” which was launched by the Pakistani government to fight militants in North Waziristan, which is one of the tribal regions of Pakistan, is considered by experts to be the most likely culprit.

The massacre was denounced by people from every continent. In retaliation, Pakistan resumed its use of the death penalty after a hiatus of six years, and a large number of individuals who were thought to be affiliated with the Taliban were executed.

Were the parents satisfied?

Some of the parents of the children who were murdered are still trying to understand why the security system was so ineffective in preventing the tragedy from occurring.

They want a comprehensive legal investigation because no official from the government, security, or military has been held publicly responsible for the incident.

At least a dozen households voiced their disapproval by boycotting the anniversary ceremony that was held on Wednesday.

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