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8 Biggest Differences Between Online Dating and Traditional Dating

As we live in the modern day and age and with the advancement of the Internet and social media platforms, it’s become easy to pair up with an individual who ticks all the boxes for you. Whether you live in the USA or Australia, people tend to easily date online and even find their “forever” someone. Without further ado, here are some of the biggest differences between online dating and traditional dating that will make you take a different viewpoint on finding true love.

1. Meeting new people is far easier

Probably the greatest benefit of meeting people is online. Going out takes a lot of time and dedication, and due to the fact that people tend to live a hectic lifestyle, finding someone to talk to after hours in a crowded bar can be utterly tiring. Add the “courage” factor, and there’s the recipe for disaster. When dating online, you can step out of your comfort zone and chat with ease and not worry about stereotypes or facing any inconvenience like with traditional dating.

2. All singles are online 

Take New York for example – more than a million people are living in this cosmopolitan city, how do you imagine finding the person in interested and, above all, where to start your search? Add the factor of being gay or lesbian. Luckily, nowadays you can go online and search for a gay matchmaker from New York and they can easily narrow down your search, find a single person that would suit you, and maybe even find your true love. All with a click of a button. The availability and practicality of dating are fairly easy online because people who opt for online dating sites or agencies are definitely single. Not something you can expect with traditional dating.

3. First impressions fall into personal preferences

It’s okay to note that appearances matter, but instead of focusing merely on physical appearances, there’s something more beyond and tangible. When you go out on a traditional date, you tend to rule out the person just by not liking his or her looks, which is severely wrong. With online dating, you have the unique chance to first meet someone for real first through their dating profile and then through writing and thought. And that first impression counts much more than appearance.

 4. Communication is far more open (and honest)

Even though most people repel communication through computers, the truth is that that type of communication is far more sincere than any other. The greatest difference between online dating and traditional dating is that you can have a clear insight into your potential date long before you meet them in person. This is immensely suitable for people who lead a busy lifestyle and don’t seem to find time and go on excessive dating until they find their true match.

5. No misleading, misrepresentations, no poker faces

Dating online exudes using various online dating platforms, chatting, and “searching” for the person of your preference until you direct meet up. Hence, the people don’t represent themselves as someone who they aren’t because the dating apps filter out people who could be a “match” With no misconceptions and misrepresentations it is easy to blend people who share the same interests and thus there won’t by any poker faces when they go on a real date and meet in person.

6. No time pressure 

Traditional dating also implies long and restricted interaction. It can be a lengthy and even tiresome process from when the couples meet to the point they figure out they are meant for one another. Online dating, on the contrary, helps all singles find romance with ease. You start with a cute and fun chat while on a lunch break or commuting to work and then gradually single out who is suitable and who isn’t. No pressure, no rush, and no long physical meet-up that lead to no success.

7. Too picky and too addictive

One difference between online and traditional dating is the addiction factor. While people who embark on an online dating journey are well aware of the potential scams, they fail to notice how addictive and frustrating online dating can be. By working hard to find your better half you lose sight of your end goal. In this hard process, you will find numerous flaws and weird things, but unless you surpass the addiction online dating can be a real hassle.

8. Everything goes smoother 

Given the fact that you can immediately detriment the chemistry with traditional dating, it can take ages until you relax and give ut all your personal information. Unless you are paired with someone through your best friend or a colleague, dating apps will help you find your match smoother and help you break the ice easier. If you get hold of the right information on the dating profile, the chances are you will find “the one”. In both traditional and online dating there will be mishaps and “dealbreakers” but at least with online dating, you will be behind the screen and long away if you encounter a scam, unlike the traditional way.

With an abundance of ups and down, in the end, it all falls on your ingenuity and free spirit to what you will end up deciding. Both dating options have their pros and cons, so it’s your duty to be attentive and persistent.

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