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A Comprehensive Guide for Gardeners

Deer can quickly devour your plants, leaving you frustrated and discouraged. However, with the right approach and proper deer fencing, you can create a barrier that effectively keeps these hungry visitors at bay. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essentials of deer fencing, helping you protect your garden and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  1. Understanding Deer Behavior:

Before delving into deer fencing, it’s crucial to understand deer behavior. Deer are creatures of habit and tend to follow established paths or feeding routes. Observing their movement patterns can help you determine the best placement for your fence and any additional deterrent measures.

  1. Types of Deer Fencing:

There are various types of deer fencing to choose from, each with its advantages and considerations:

a. Metal Fencing: Sturdy and durable, metal fencing, such as woven wire or chain link, provides excellent protection against deer. However, it may be more visually obtrusive and require professional installation.

b. Polypropylene Mesh Fencing: This lightweight and cost-effective option is easy to install and less visually intrusive. However, it may not be as durable as metal fencing and may require periodic maintenance.

c. Electric Fencing: Electric fences can be an effective deterrent, delivering a mild electric shock to deer upon contact. They are often used in conjunction with other types of fencing for added security.

  1. Determining Fence Height:

Deer can jump high, so fence height is a crucial factor to consider. A minimum height of 8 feet is recommended to discourage deer from attempting to jump over. If you have a particularly active deer population in your area, consider extending the height or using additional deterrents such as angled extensions or deer netting.

  1. Installing the Fence:

Proper installation is key to the effectiveness of your deer fence. Here are some important steps to follow:

a. Clear the area: Remove any vegetation or debris that could come in contact with the fence and potentially aid deer in accessing your garden.

b. Secure the posts: Install sturdy posts at regular intervals, ensuring they are firmly anchored in the ground.

c. Attach the fencing material: Whether it’s metal fencing or polypropylene mesh, secure it tightly to the posts, leaving no gaps or loose sections.

d. Gate considerations: If you require access to your garden, install a gate that matches the height and sturdiness of the fence.

  1. Supplemental Deterrents:

While deer fencing is an effective solution, combining it with other deterrents can provide added protection. Consider incorporating measures such as motion-activated sprinklers, noise-making devices, or deer repellents to further discourage deer from approaching your garden.

  1. Regular Maintenance:

To ensure the long-term effectiveness of your deer fence, periodic maintenance is necessary. Inspect the fence regularly for any damage or weak points. Trim vegetation around the fence to prevent deer from using it as a bridge.


Deer fencing is an essential component of garden protection, allowing gardeners to enjoy the beauty and productivity of their plants without the constant threat of deer damage. By understanding deer behavior, choosing the right type of fencing, and following proper installation techniques, you can create an effective barrier that keeps deer at bay. Remember to consider fence height, explore supplemental deterrents, and perform regular maintenance to ensure the ongoing success of your deer fencing system.

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