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Tennessee Men’s Clinic Fosuses on the Notable Signs of Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone is primarily a sex hormone that triggers a male’s sexual function, mannish hair growth on the body, face, and private part, fat distribution, muscle mass, production of sperm and red blood cell, etc. It also deepens the voice and increases the size of the testes and penis. Throughout adulthood, it is a hormone that makes a person look and feel like a ‘man’. The amount of testosterone takes a surge just after puberty and continues the pace up to the age of 30. Importantly, this hormone starts declining after 30’s at 1% per year.

However, particularly when it goes down the balance many men meet physicians in clinics like Tennessee Men’s Clinic and report on their experiences of various symptoms which establishes, they have testosterone deficiency. The blog focused on the vital signs that a man can experience due to lack of testosterone and other hormones, and how hormone optimization therapy can get back their quality of life.

  1. Sexual dysfunction

The foremost and primary sign of low testosterone levels is that it impacts a man’s sexual health and performance. Given that testosterone has a direct relation with erections, sexual drive, and the production of sperm, its low levels can lead to everything from erectile dysfunction to low libido. While almost every man experiences these problems occasionally due to temporary stress, strain, or illness – long-term problems with sexual health are a red flag and may require testosterone replacement therapy.

  • Change in body composition

In general, men lose their muscle mass as they get older especially those who live an inactive lifestyle. However, middle-aged people who remain active, and take their meals on time, but still notice the loss of muscle mass or gaining excess weight because of accumulation of fat especially in the abdominal part can consult a doctor to ensure if it is due to hormonal imbalance, considering it is a sign of low T.

  • Difficulty sleeping

A regular feeling of fatigue even after having a night’s sleep, could be an indication of declined level of testosterone in a man. As per the experts of Tennessee Men’s Clinic Despite getting adequate rest, those who feel lethargy all through the day are recommended to get their testosterone level checked. Feeling lethargic means there is a lack quality of sleep. Noteworthy, low T can make the person feel fatigued due to disturbed sleeping patterns.

  • Loss of armpit and public hair

General hair loss is a genetic symbol. However, losing hair, particularly on the pelvic floor aka public hair, or hair in the armpit in the ’40s or even before that could be a sign of low testosterone. If it is so, they will notice the loss of hair also on their body and even it may lead to balding.

  • Depression, irritability, difficulty concentrating

Another notable sign of low T involves a change in mental setup. Feelings of irritability, worthlessness, depression, and irritability happen to be a part of life. It is a major sign of low T. People with low testosterone also experience trouble concentrating, and loss of memory.

There are many other symptoms of low testosterone which can toll adversely the physical, mental, professional, and familial life of a man. So, for those who undergo such a depressing phase, make sure to visit facilities like Tennessee Men’s Clinic for necessary review. When it comes to Low T, typically a person is likely to experience more than one symptom as discussed above. In that case, testosterone replacement therapy or hormone optimization depending on the need may help them immensely to regain quality of life.

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