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Get The Best Laser Modules From Snapmaker Today

We have all heard about lasers. Lasers can be used for a variety of purposes. One of which is cutting. Laser cutting is a technology that uses a high-powered laser beam to cut sheet materials into 2D shapes. It is very different from 3D printing. 3D printing is a technology that creates parts by adding material layer by layer until the item being created is finished. Additionally, 3D printing has a wide range of materials, unlike laser cutting which is limited due to the high energy of the laser as well as the thermal capacity or reflectivity of various materials. 

While 3D printing uses a 3D printer, to laser cut one uses a laser cutting machine. These machines usually have varying output power which is dependent on the material to laser cut or the type of task at hand. Snapmaker, being the leading 3D printing and laser cutting and engraving company across the globe, has built two laser modules that truly stand out from the rest of the market today. These are the Snapmaker 20W Laser Module and the Snapmaker 40W Laser Module. As you can see, they have different output power since they are purposed to perform tasks of different magnitude. 

These two products are the latest high-power diode laser addons from Snapmaker that are equipped with air assist. Later we will see what air assist means. Those who already use Snapmaker 2.0 and Artisan can upgrade their printers to much stronger desktop laser cutters with these two powerful modules. These two add-ons are also compatible with most of the Snapmaker products. Check to get full information today. 

Features of the 20W & 40W laser power

Cutting potential

The 40W laser module can cut a 20mm pinewood in one pass. 

The 40W laser module can cut a 15mm basswood plywood in one pass.

The 20W laser module can cut a 10mm basswood plywood in one pass. 

Smart air assist

Both 20W and 40W laser modules have smart air assist. This helps to prevent charring during laser operations. This helps to improve the quality of your work and keep the laser lens clean. Additionally, controlling the smart air assist is very easy. You do not have to control it manually by turning it on whenever you feel it is right or for different layers. The feature is controlled via Luban software. 


In the Snapmaker Luban software, there are 1000+ templates. These templates are ready to be used. No modification is needed before you employ them in your work. The extensive library of preset templates includes common patterns, shapes, and icons. There are many advantages of having the templates ready to be used by designers. The most amazing however is the fact that you can come up with a design in minutes. It cuts down your work time greatly and therefore you are left with a lot of time to work on other designs to accomplish twice as much in the same time or left to do some other activities. 

Easy to focus

One can calibrate the focus by inputting material thickness on the touchscreen and after that run auto-focus or focus laser with the focus lever. 

Laser safety shield

Laser technology is not to be taken lightly. Vaporization temperatures of almost 2500 0C are involved so the a need to take great precautions when operating a laser cutting or engraving machine. That is why Snapmaker has built a laser safety shield that works by reducing laser radiation. The enclosure that is available for Artisan and other 3D printers and laser machines reduces the laser hazards from class 4 to class 1.


Visit to get additional information on the laser addons including specifications. Get yours today and join the many who choose Snapmaker. 

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