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Zuhal Butuner Lists a few Simple Steps to Follow to Find the Appropriate Frames for Eyeglasses

Finding the perfect pair of eyeglasses is vital. Not only it help people to see clearly, but they can also influence how a person looks. Zuhal Butuner mentions that when the eyeglass frame matches the face type and personal style of a person, they would feel more confident while wearing them. Hence, people must take enough time to find the right frame for their eyeglasses.

Zuhal Butuner talks about how to find the right eyeglass frame

Picking out a new pair of glasses is indeed a fun experience, and provides people with a chance to play with their personal style. However, with so many types of frames available today, this choice can also get a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, there are a very few simple steps to follow to determine which frames can flatter one’s face the best and help them to show off their personal style. Here are some of those steps:

  • Step 1: Identify the face shape:  One should try to select the perfect frame that suits their face shape, and perfectly complements it. To find the face shape, one simply has to trace their face on a mirror using a dry-erase marker. Certain frames may even accentuate or even slim certain features. People with oval shaped face tend to look good in almost all frames. People with a heart-shaped face, on the other hand, look their best in round frames that are thicker on the top to balance a small chin.
  • Step 2: Choose colors that complement the skin tone: After selecting the frame design, one has to proceed towards selecting its color. It is fairly simple to find frames that complement a certain skin tone. For instance, people with a cool-colored skin tone should go for shades like blue, gray and black. But in case their skin tone is warm, it is better to get frames in colors like red, pink and tan. Much like one chooses the color of their clothes based on what looks the best and what they are most comfortable wearing, a similar rule has to be applied when selecting eyeglass frames. 
  • Step 3: Consider the way of living: It is vital to consider the lifestyle one leads prior to making a decision about frames. For instance, if one works in a labor-intensive industry or plays sports frequently, they need to buy durable frames that stay in place during daily activities. On the other hand, people regularly attending professional meetings and conferences should go for stylish frames with a variety of angles. School and college students, on the other hand, may go for soft, colorful frames that complement their young and relaxed vibe.

As Zuhal Butuner mentions, in addition to following the pointers discussed above, one should also try to find frames that perfectly showcase their personality and personal style. Even if one does find frames that suit their skin tone and face shape, it wouldn’t mean much if they don’t truly like the look of those frames. People must select a frame that makes them truly happy, and that they feel comfortable wearing on a regular basis.

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