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Top 9 Exercises for Bigger Biceps

Admit it: Guys with bigger biceps look good. You see them in the gym, pumping weights to boost the size of their biceps muscles. Jealous of their fitness? In this health article, we’ll show you the top four fitness exercises to get bigger biceps.

Biceps are muscles with two heads, thus, it is called “bi”. They are the large flexor muscles found in the front of the upper arms and behind the upper legs. Your biceps are important because they are involved in nearly more than half of your everyday activities (i.e. carrying things). Your biceps muscles are quite small so you should remember not to put too much weight on them.

Our Chosen Exercises for Bigger Biceps

Biceps Curls

The traditional bicep exercise and also one of the most known best exercises for biceps. You start by standing with your feet apart by about the same width that of your hips. By holding the dumbbells right at right about the same level with your thighs, you are also engaging and creating abs resistance. Squeeze biceps and bend your arms while simultaneously bring the weight of the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Gradually lower the weight of the dumbbells and keep a slight bend on your elbows. Avoid locking your joints and try to keep the tension on your muscles. Repeat this as much as needed.

Preacher curls on the Ball

You kneel down and drape yourself over the ball while also holding weights on each of your hands. You gradually lower the weights until your arms are fully extended and bring them up again. This is one of the best exercises for muscle because you create contraction on your biceps easily. Repeat this exercise for a few minutes.

Hammer Curl

Stand straight with your feet apart about the width of your hips, in this position you will later help engage your abs too. Position your hands in such a way that your palms face each other, bring them along side your chest. Keep your elbows motionless and still at all times all through out the exercise. Bring the weights in your hands gradually down and up as high as you can, still with your elbow at stationary. Repeat this all through out the exercise.

Concentration Curls

In this exercise you may sit or kneel, whichever it is you want to do. Hold a dumbbell on one hand and bend forward just a bit allowing your abs to engage and prop. You may place other arm on your thigh, an akimbo. After doing this for a few minutes with one arm, switch to the other arm and repeat this exercises as many times you want to and feel like.

Zottman Curl

There aren’t many biceps workouts that target the three primary muscles that make up the muscle : the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. By moving from an underhand to an overhand grip halfway through the exercise, the zottman curl targets all areas of your biceps.

Twisting Dumbbell Curl

This exercise will not work your biceps as hard as other arm workouts, but it will strengthen your forearms. Squeezing sets in during lunch, and this technique will impact more of your arm in less time.

Prone Dumbbell Spider Curl

Curling with your back to the bench will assist you in mastering the appropriate technique. If your chest lifts off the ground, you’re cheating. You’ve finished another set in your quest for larger biceps if you can maintain it flat for each rep.

EZ Bar Curl

Many men prefer the traditional barbell curl to conduct bicep workouts, but the EZ bar is the way to go. Similar to a barbell, but with kinks in it, also known as an undulating handle (if your gym does not have EZ bars for any reason, a barbell will suffice). An EZ bar makes it easy to lift bigger loads and can encourage higher biceps muscle activation. Which is exactly what you want.

Overhead Cable Curl

The overhead cable curl is one of the most macho biceps workouts for guys. This technique necessitates the use of a cable machine stack with handles on both sides of your body. If there is a mirror nearby, this is an excellent time to really show off your biceps. Best of all, it’s an excellent workout for developing bicep peaks.


On back or pull days, concentrate on compound motions. Anything that requires a pulling motion may need the use of your biceps. Supporting this with intensive exercise or a separate segment of your training on your arms can help you fill those t-shirts. From a few of these given best exercises for the biceps, you can draw out your own personalized best exercises for the biceps muscles, too. Read more about it at bags for gym blog!

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