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How To Make Money With Facebook | Make Money Online

How to make money with Facebook? Not everyone knows this, but Facebook provides real monetization tools for users and companies who want to generate constant income over time.

Ok, how do they work?

Let’s see what Facebook tells us about it, directly within the official support pages.

“In order to earn money from their Facebook content, publishers and creators must adhere to a set of rules called the Partner Monetization Regulations. These rules apply to behaviors, pages and payments. There is another separate and specific set of regulations for content subject to monetization ”.

Also Read: How to make money with facebook page



In-stream ads help users earn money by having Facebook put advertisements in their videos.

 In this way, the user earns based on the number of views and based on the name of the brand that has decided to insert the ads within your content .


Just like Youtube & Twitch, Facebook also allows the same logic of user loyalty to a channel, allowing them to become a “contributor” and therefore donate a monthly fee to support their favorite Creator.


Just like in our dear Instagram, Facebook promises tasty revenues to pages that post “branded” content, or content built in collaboration with a partner. 

Nothing new under the sun: a brand targets your page and wants to exploit it to get as much visibility as possible.


Surely you have happened to manage a Facebook group (or to know someone who does it), this form of monetization works in favor of group administrators, in fact they have the possibility to make their community pay. 

If on the one hand, this possibility seems fantastic, on the other hand, it is necessary to underline the extreme value that your group will have to hide in order to convince users to enter following an economic outlay.

You are probably asking yourself this question, you should know that Facebook imposes a series of regulations and rules to allow users to access this feature. (come on, it couldn’t be that easy: p)


Now let’s see if what you have built on Facebook is “up to standard” to pass the monetization test.

First, to make money on Facebook, your Page and your content absolutely must meet these standards:


  • No Hate No Violence No Sex: It is strictly forbidden to create content that presents hate speech, invitations to use and content of a sexual nature. 
  • No False News and Clickbait: Facebook has been battling fake news for so many years that I honestly lost count of the exact number, one thing is for sure, posting something untrue and inauthentic will take you a long way from the much desired suitability.
  • 100% Original or GTFO (in summary, do not copy): here too, looking for the classic shortcut will not help you, do not recycle content from other pages (it also applies to the same format, Facebook is not stupid. You will not see a cent if yours creation will have taken too much “inspiration” from something already existing.
  • Don’t “force interactions” to your content: Facebook knows how to distinguish quality traffic from “forced” traffic. If you’ve been lucky enough to get advertisements within your content, don’t send other people “artificially” to the content, let it shine with its own light. Otherwise you could even risk deleting it, as Facebook itself mentions:

“Creators and publishers may lose the ability to monetize if their audiences are predominantly made up of fake interactions, including but not limited to ‘likes’, people who follow them and views.”

  • Work consistently, don’t want “everything immediately”: to be considered eligible for insertions within the content, you will need to produce original content (including all the rules seen so far) for at least 90 days + have a real fan base and genuine linked to your page. 
  • Leave politics alone: ​​no really, forget it. After the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the fuss that arose over the last US elections, the last thing Facebook wants is to promote content of a political nature.

What do you think of these rules, did you expect something less stringent? You are now aware of the minimum requirements to monetize with Facebook, if you are a Creator, take a look at the bonus links I have placed below for you.
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I want to leave you with a bomb, did you know that Facebook has a free academy inside to learn how to monetize your facebook page?

It’s called Facebook Blueprint , good study!


Do you already know everything about how to make money with Facebook? Well then check now if your page is eligible to be “monetized”, 

PS: Unfortunately I have to inform you that if your page does not reach at least 10,000 followers you will not be able to be taken into consideration.

Also read: 9 Ways to make money with facebook

Let me know what you think about this earning opportunity in the comments below.

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