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Pradeep Agarwal Oracle throws light on the technology trend

The technology business has always been a fast-paced one. According to Pradeep Agarwal of Oracle, we will make more technological development in the next decade than we did in the previous 100 years combined. They are the ones who are most likely to be prominent in the modern workplace’s shifting face. Understanding the impact of these technological trends on businesses and the people who work in them could be crucial to averting the worst consequences of the resulting disruption.

“Many of this year’s trends revolve around data, but it’s only effective if businesses can trust it. Because assets and users can now be located anywhere, the traditional security perimeter is no longer necessary. This necessitates the use of a cybersecurity mesh architecture (CSMA),” says Pradeep Agarwal Oracle.

CSMA aids in the creation of an integrated security structure and posture to protect all assets, regardless of their location. Organisations who use a CSMA to integrate security solutions into a co-operative ecosystem by 2024 will minimise the financial effect of individual security incidents by 90 per cent on average.

CIOs must avoid any loss of customer trust as a result of privacy incidents, in addition to dealing with evolving worldwide privacy and data protection legislation. As a result, it is predicted that by 2025, 60 per cent of big enterprises would utilise one or more privacy-enhancing compute techniques. PEC approaches, which safeguard personal and sensitive data at the data, software, and hardware levels, allow data to be safely shared, pooled, and analysed without jeopardising its confidentiality or privacy. Many sectors, as well as public cloud infrastructures, have current use cases (e.g., trusted execution environments).

“Subsequently, the ability of an organisation to make decisions can be a substantial source of competitive advantage, but it’s growing more difficult,” informs Pradeep Agarwal of Oracle.  Decision intelligence is a practical field that focuses on clearly understanding and engineering how decisions are made, as well as how results are evaluated, controlled, and improved through feedback. According to Pradeep Agarwal Oracle a third of major firms will use decision intelligence for structured decision-making in the next two years to strengthen competitive advantage.

In the previous decade, the number of data and application silos has increased, but the number of experienced employees in data and analytics (D&A) teams has remained stable or even decreased. Data fabrics – a scalable architecture that reduces the technical debt seen in most D&A teams due to rising integration challenges – have emerged to simplify an organisation’s data integration infrastructure and create a scalable architecture that reduces the technical debt seen in most D&A teams due to rising integration challenges. The actual benefit of a data fabric is its capacity to use inbuilt analytics to dynamically improve data consumption, reducing data management efforts by up to 70 per cent and speeding time to value.

Generative AI, machine learning algorithms that learn about content or things from their data and use it to build brand-new, entirely unique, realistic artefacts – is one of the most obvious and powerful AI strategies on the horizon. Pradeep Agarwal Oracle says, “Generative AI can be used for a variety of purposes, including writing software code, facilitating medication research, and targeted marketing, but it can also be used for scams, fraud, political disinformation, fake identities, and other illegal acts. Generative AI will account for 10 per cent of all data produced by 2025, up from less than 1 per cent currently.”

Enterprises must move away from traditional lift and shift migrations and toward CNPs in order to truly deliver digital capabilities wherever and everywhere. CNPs employ cloud computing’s basic features to offer scalable and elastic IT-related capabilities as a service to technology innovators who use internet technologies, resulting in faster time to value and lower costs. Pradeep Agarwal Oracle concludes that cloud-native platforms will be the foundation for more than 95 per cent of new digital efforts by 2025, up from less than 40 per cent in 2021.

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