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Are Using a Torrents Site is a Crime 

For those who don’t know, torrenting is indeed a means of sharing files over the internet and somehow this is considered legal. What might be regarded as illegal is the downloading of unendorsed copyright material. In many parts of the country it is considered illegal because we might not know the authority of the files we share every now and then.

The causes of using torrent in an illegal way might lead to heavy fines or sometimes imprisonment. Also if you use torrent in the most legal way possible and use torrent to contact the copyright material you will still be charged with piracy. For imprisonment and heavy fines you can opt for a criminal lawyer in Minneapolis to help you support the case. 

Here are reasons where visiting torrent is not a crime 

The reasons are listed below.

  • Reason 1 

When a person tries to download or use torrents website without asking for permission from the right person who owns the ownership might turn out to be a great offense. This will lead to 2 year imprisonment and a fine of 2 or 3 lakhs. 

When you look into torrent you will come across many songs and movies that rely on copyright. There might be a number of files that can be used with permission. But if you prefer using it without the owner’s permission then things can get dirty for you.

Also if you only view the files under section 63 of copyright then it will not be considered an offense. The point is that if you view files or use them with permission then it is legal in all cases. 

  • Reason 2 

Digital piracy is not new, in fact pretty common. Whenever a movie such as thepiratebay3 is released you will see that after a few days it will be seen right on the torrents site.  In terms of copyright act the main concern is to inhibit high levels of piracy. 

You will also see a few tools that can be used to copy files. This process is termed as plates. Any person who uses plates or has the possession of using tools to copy paste then this will be considered a great offense with a punishment of 2 years plus fine as well.

Also if you try to facsimile a file after downloading from torrent can also lead to punishment. If you stay away from such stuff then you will be safe from such crimes.

  • Reason 3 

Hacking others’ accounts is also very common. Hacking allows the person to get a hold of another person’s website or account in an unauthorized way. Thus if you are using proxy or other tools to view the blocked files of certain accounts then it is a great offense under copyright Act.

However torrent does not always consist of files that are blocked thus if you view them you won’t be landed into any sort of trouble.

For more details visit usamagzine

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