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Easy Steps to Repair a Fuse in a Fuse Box

It could happen anytime! If you’re not a homeowner, you probably freak out in this situation. There’s nothing to worry about, we’ve got all information you need! Some building still uses fuse box instead of modern consumer units which has automotive circuit breaker or RCD, so the fuse usually blown and you need to replace it with a new one.

Before you start, all the electrical appliances in your house should turn off. Don’t forget to unplug refrigerator, oven and the other appliances that you barely unplug them. Most of the time overloaded sockets causes a blown fuse or a broken electrical item can cause faulty wiring and then tripping circuit. There are so many tips to avoid overloading electrical sockets you can use it.

It is so important to turn off every electrical device before starting fuse box installation, because if you forget them and then after repair tasks turn your electricity supply on again, the new fuse may break immediately after that or cause a new damage of electrical device.

Changing a fuse in a fuse box installation

  • Turn off the main fuse box. Typically, you can do so by flipping the main power switch to the ‘off’ position.
  • Remove or open the cover that protects the fuse carriers.
  • Remove the fuse carriers and inspect them to determine which one is faulty. The presence of scorch marks may indicate which fuse needs to be replaced, or the fuse may be visibly broken.
  • If the blown fuse has affected an entire power circuit, turn off and unplug all appliances that use the circuit. Simply turn off the light switches for lighting circuits. This means that when you repair the circuit and re-turn on the main switch, the fuse will not blow immediately.
  • For the last thing, start removing the broken fuse wire and then replace the fuse wire.

How to replace a fuse wire in consumer unit?

  • Before starting any electrical work, find out the correct amp rating of your consumer unit. Then buy a fuse wire which meets that amp rating.
  • Remove the old and broken wire by loosening the terminal screws.
  • Cut the new fuse wire long enough to wrap it around both terminal screws and cross the fuse carrier.
  • Wind the wire around one terminal screw in a clockwise direction.
  • Secure this terminal screw in place.
  • Examine one of your working fuses to determine how to wire the fuse. The wire must be threaded through the fuse holder or passed through the bridge. Wind the wire in a clockwise direction around the remaining terminal screw. The wire should be slightly slack, as it will tighten when the final terminal screw is screwed in.
  • Start tightening the final terminal screw
  • Replace the fuse carrier
  • Close the cover and turn the main switch on again.

Replacing a cartridge fuse in consumer unit

  • Buy a cartridge fuse tester so you can check which cartridge is broken
  • Disconnect the main fuse in the fuse box.
  • Remove one of the cartridges gently. There could be a screw in the cartridge carriers that needs to be removed.
  • In the cartridge fuse tester, test the fuse.
  • If the fuse works, replace it in the cartridge, replace the cartridge in the fuse box, and test the next cartridge.
  • When you’ve determined which fuse has blown, replace it with a new one. Check that the new fuse has the same amp rating as the fuse carrier.
  • Reconnect the main power supply.

What if my house has a circuit breaker?

Circuit breakers are far easier to fix than old-fashioned fuse boxes. It should be very obvious what fuse has tripped in a fuse box, as the switch will be in a different position to all of the other switches or will have popped out.

  • Turn off all the appliances on the effected circuit.
  • Switch the miniature circuit breaker on.
  • Check the circuit.

How to check the circuit after fuse box installation?

Checking the circuit

  • Examine all of the circuit’s components to check that they are in good functioning order. Look for indicators of appliance failure or damage to lighting and fixtures. Do not plug in anything that you believe is damaged, since the fuse will blow again; if you have electrical appliance cover, call electrician to repair or replace the faulty equipment.
  • Check that you are not overloading any sockets, such as by using extension cables.
  • If you are unclear which appliance has failed, you may have to sacrifice a fuse to find out. Turn on each item one at a time until the fuse explodes again. The root of the problem is the gadget you turned on just before the fuse blew.

Is there any problem with fuse box installation?

You’re confused? It doesn’t seem right? So don’t do anything! If you are not sure or confident to do electrical jobs that need specific knowledge, then don’t attempt to make any new changes in your house’s electrical system. Our electrician team are ready to help you. Don’t attempts anything if you don’t know how wiring works. Some of the electrical works required part P building control that has certification and special test. According to UK wiring regulations, all kinds of electrical works and repair has to be done in accordance of part P building controls. Electricity is dangerous and working with wires needs certain amount of knowledge special when it comes to repair that include plumbing.

Instead of wasting your time for learning electrical works in internet, call us, we can help. Our electrician will run through troubleshooting over the phone or if it was a complex situation, they visit your property as soon as possible to see if the problem can be resolved easily in minutes. Our electrical team is available for 24/7.

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