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06 Safety Tips When Dealing with Home Appliances

Indeed, appliances are meant for your easy lifestyle. You all have home electronics in all weather conditions. However, we forget to keep our safety before the ease they provide us. This attitude and negligence can lead us to minor and fatal damages. Therefore, operating these devices without care is at high risk.  

Furthermore, all types of home appliances need to be dealt with utmost care and protection. Be it your refrigerator, washing machine, oven, dryer, or iron; take safety measures beforehand. In particular, you need to be extra careful when you have kids at home. 

Also, you might already know some of the safety precautions, but this post is to remind you about the top six safety tips. So, be mindful of the measures below:

  1. Keep all the cords and outlets distant from the water
  2. Do not go barefoot near electronic appliances
  3. Upgrade to GFCI outlet for damp objects
  4. Use only one extension temporarily
  5. Unplug the small devices when not using
  6. Always read the manual before operating the appliances

Keep all the cords and outlets distant from water:

It might sound like a cliché to you, but it is as significant as drinking water daily. Well, most people are always conscious of the water thing. But, one moment of ignorance and your life is at risk. So, always keep the loose cords, outlets, and extensions distant from the water. 

In the same way, some appliances are designed for outdoors, such as electrical grills, mini-refrigerators, or generators. Make sure to provide shade for these appliances. If you accidentally mess up during rainy weather, do not try to act like a hero and call for Samsung appliance repair in Atlanta. 

Do not go barefoot near electronic appliances:

Indeed, you all know that. But your kids might as well go barefoot near the washing machine or the refrigerator. So, make sure you do not go barefoot near these electrical appliances. In addition, you can use rubber mats or area rugs near these earthy appliances. As a result, it will lower the risk of any damages. 

Not only that, your hands must be dry when dealing with these machines, especially your washers and dryers. Your hands seldom get a little shock while opening the fridge. So, take this measure seriously.

Upgrade to GFCI outlet for damp objects:

Appliances that are sure to operate around water or dripping water need more care and attention. Your bathroom, laundry room, and kitchen are the susceptible areas. That is why it is advisable to upgrade these devices to ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs). It works by tripping the circuit when it gets in touch with water. If possible, it is best to install these interrupters in damp locations for your and your family’s safety. Read the warning section in the manual and make sure the appliances are for indoors or outdoors.

Use only one extension temporarily:

It is quite common for homeowners to use extension cords in their homes and offices. While these extensions are for temporary use, some people use them permanently. A loose connection can cause sparks, power fluctuation, water penetration, or over-heating the device.

So, first of all, make sure the extension is appropriate for your electronic device. The length of the cord and gauge are also critical in this matter. Therefore, it is better to use shorter extension cords for small appliances and power tools. 

Unplug the small devices when not using:

Not everything is a safety issue, but you can prevent unnecessary power consumption by unplugging them. Your small devices such as grinders, beaters, monitors, printers, chargers, and microwave ovens are the most used. Yes, you might take it as a headache to plug and start them over and over again. 

Furthermore, you might not know that your monitor or LED, or phone charger is consuming a small amount of power when not used. So, it is not only safer but wiser to unplug these small appliances in your home.  

Always read the manual before operating the appliances:

Many of you feel insignificant to read the manual. Generally, you think you know how to handle these home appliances. It is okay if your device is old. But, if you have a new dishwasher, AC, refrigerator, or washing machine, you need to consult it manually. First, make sure that the device is okay outdoors. 

Furthermore, learn about its loading capacity. If you find it hard to assemble the machinery parts, consult Samsung appliance repair in Atlanta. They will guide you about its components and give you a running appliance. 


Your safety is more important than your convenience. Be mindful of these safety tips when using any home appliances. First, keep the cords, outlets, and extensions away from water. Do not go barefoot near heavy electronic devices. Unplug the small ones when not using them. Also, learn more about its features before using it. 



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