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We all know the famous saying, “first impression is the last impression.” It is true as well. Whenever we enter LOBBY a building, the first thing we notice is the interior and make a deduction LOBBY as to how good that building is. The impact of the first few minutes, be it meeting a new person or going to an unknown city, can never be underestimated as it sets the tone for a long-term relationship. The same goes for our offices, and your clients also make a very fast opinion about your offices. If your lobby is dirty, with poor interior design and lightning, it can give a very off-putting vibe to our clients. Clients may judge your firm’s competency by the interior of the office. We all want to attract as many clients as possible to maximize our profit and grow the business. For that, a little effort from your side is also needed.

Do not worry, for we will not ask you to spend a fortune to attract clients. You should allocate at least some amount for a welcoming space for your clients. Because what your lobby says about your firm can have a lasting and significant impact on your work. The entry should be considered the staging area for everything inside the firm, and it is the best opportunity to address the guests and clients.

But how exactly can you do that? You do not need to worry. Keep reading this article, and you will be able to pick up on your weak spots and will be able to rectify them in no time.



When we enter a building or firm, we first head to the reception desk. So that is the first thing we notice after entering. Right? Since it is where you greet and ask for all the information. If your reception desk is outdated and old, that will leave a bad first impression on the client, wondering who still uses these obsolete reception desks when there are so many sleek reception desks in the market. You would be wondering where you should buy these nice and in-demand reception desks? We have good news at Officeplus that we provide you with a wide variety of Office Furniture that will leave an everlasting impression on your clients.


After getting all the information and getting an appointment, your client might have to wait for your boss or manager to get free from the meeting so that they can meet them. Till then they will require some chair or sofa to sit on. You agree with me, right? So what if right now you have some old dusty and creaky couches that are as old as the world? A good impression on the client. And what if they do sit on them, and a spring springs out of it, and your client goes flying away out of the window, maybe? You would not want to let your client go without even having to discuss some matters. Okay, don’t worry; Officeplusgot you covered for that. You can find a wide variety of comfortable chairs and sofas in many colors, choosing wisely according to your lobby’s theme.


In the lobby, people will sometimes have to wait and might as well have to sit for 30 minutes or so waiting for the boss or manager to get done with their work before they meet them. You obviously would have provided your clients with great coffee, tea or soft

beverage service. And also some really good magazines. But where are they supposed to put their coffee cup after taking their first sip and getting their tongue burned? Yes, you are right, you will require a very nice coffee table and some very trendy side tables. Noe, obviously you will think if Officeplus provides you with some good choices of coffee tables. Yes, we are proud to say that we indeed have a wide variety of trendy and stylish tables that you can buy to make your lobby look as smart as you. With theOffice Furniture dubai, you can make your entrance look trendy and attract more clients.


Just visit your lobby again and see what it is lacking. See what the clients are missing out on in your firm. If your entry does not look client-friendly and it is unwelcoming, then it is your sign to do some changes to your lobby. You must provide them with the best first experience, and Officeplus will assist you.

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