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5 Proven Hacks: How to Grow Your Instagram From 0 to 100k For Free

Stop pouring your money down the drain in the name of buying Instagram followers.

Getting from 0 to 1k, 5k and 100k Instagram followers is definitely super-exciting.

But, is it as easy as buying ‘followers’?

Nay, but the great part is you can skyrocket your business within weeks with Instagram followers hack.

Tried-and-trusted, these Instagram hacks do make overnight success dream your reality.

Want your new business to go from 0 to 100k fast? Stick around.

How Do You Get 100k Followers On Instagram For Free?

  1. Join Instagram Engagement Groups to Get Free Followers on Instagram

Almost all of the Instagram entrepreneurs get Instagram followers fast because of engagement groups aka. Instagram pods.

But only stick to your niche-specific Instagram engagement groups, even if joining the largest engagement groups sounds alluring.

By interacting with the right people, you can gain followers, likes and better engagement on your Instagram page.

While its not going to bring in sales, but it surely boosts credibility of your Instagram page and ‘content’.

However, the strategy isn’t meant to be long-term especially when you need more loyal and real Instagram followers.

2. Repost Content of Fellow Businesses to Get Instagram Followers Fast

Reposting content is a breeze. Make sure to add credits to the original poster in description. It’s the smartest way to get Instagram free followers without being flagged.

Re-post top performing videos with highest views (not of the competitors) and it will really help take off your business a step further. It’s the easiest hack to get Instagram followers free with no effort.

The best part? You don’t have to put any added effort on designing the ‘content’.

But before you repost other’s posts on your account, make sure you have one amazing account that hooks people at first visit.

Important: Instagram has upgraded its policy, so you must seek permission before reposting content.

3. Get Real Customer Reviews To Build Your Portfolio

Social proof is the best way to gain trust and followers. On Instagram, it’s easier when you have a stack of customer reviews to display.

When you are just starting-out, reach out to customers or influencers of your niche with less than 5k followers. You can ask them to share their pictures using your product that you can feature on your feed. A win-win, right?

For high-end influencers, offer an affiliate deal with a little commission on each sale through their unique referral link.

4. Use Hashtags to Get More Instagram Followers

Expert might tell you to add 15-20 hashtags, but I suggest you to go freaking wild with it. Use up the 30 hashtag limit in caption and add some extra hashtags in first comment.

Stick to only relevant hashtags and there’s a high chance the right audience will discover you soon.

Pro Tip: Use relevant and ‘specific’ hashtags only, avoid generic ones.

5.Use Instagram Followers Apps

None would admit, but almost every Instagram businesses gets a boost via Instagram followers app.

One of the safest and risk-free followers app I came across is Ins Followers. Most of the free followers apps can breach your privacy, but it’s safe, secure and free to use.

The best part? I got real and active Instagram followers for my new business. The engagement on my post was boosted and it helped me get organic followers from Instagram too.

Without an investment on Instagram ads and giveaways, you can get more than 1000 free Instagram followers in 48 hours. 


You can get 100k followers on Instagram for free by utilizing the right tactics. So, once you have your profile perfectly planned out, get ready to make a mark with the easiest tricks to hit your first 1k, 10k, and then 100k Instagram followers in no time.

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