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3 Strategies for Outdoor Lovers with Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can occur during any season, but they are more prevalent during spring, summer, and fall, when there is an excess of pollen in the air. Around 20% of people suffer from some type of seasonal allergies, which may also be referred to as allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Symptoms include watery and itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion, tickly throat, and headaches.

People who suffer from seasonal allergies, but love spending time outdoors, may find it harder to be outside. However, there are some strategies that may help reduce exposure to the troubling allergens. If it is impossible to do so, there is homeopathic allergy medication to help manage unwanted symptoms.

1. Be Able To Identify Your Allergen

One strategy is to identify which allergen is causing the allergies, as they vary based on the season. Common allergens and when they are more prevalent include:

  • Spring: Trees, such as birch, alder, cedar, willow, horse chestnut, and poplar
  • Summer: Grasses, such as timothy grass, and rye grass
  • Fall: Ragweed, sorrels, nettles, fat hens, mugworts, and plantains
  • Winter: Mostly indoor allergens like dust mites, mold, cockroaches, and pet dander

Once you figure out what allergens cause your symptoms, you can do your best to limit spending time outdoors during the associated season or stay away from places that have these allergens.

2. Pay Attention to Pollen Count

Along with knowing which allergen is the culprit, you should also pay attention to pollen count, as there are certain times of the day that have higher counts, which exacerbate allergy symptoms.

Morning is a common time for pollination, especially during the hours of 5 and 10 AM. However, around dusk is also a common pollination time. If you suffer from allergies, avoid exercising outdoors, gardening, or walking the dog during times of high pollen count. If you cannot avoid these times, homeopathic over the counter flu medicine will help reduce symptoms.

3. Treat Symptoms Holistically

There are pharmaceutical products to manage many of the seasonal allergy symptoms. However, they all have unwanted side effects, such as headaches or drowsiness. Instead, reach for a homeopathic medication or other natural remedy. Homeopathic allergy remedies, just like homeopathic cold and flu relief, are not harmful to the body, and they actually work with the body’s immune system to help it work more efficiently and effectively. These products reduce all of the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.

There are additional home remedies you can try. Saline rinses and steam help loosen mucus and soothe inflamed nasal passages. Essential oils, such as eucalyptus, can also help with congestion. Add it to your steaming water, use a diffuser, or mix it with coconut or olive oil and apply to your chest.

Herbal teas are also effective. Ginger, nettle, and chamomile teas all have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. Adding local honey to your tea can also combat allergies. Honey already has anti-bacterial powers, and local honey has an additional benefit because it contains bee pollen from local plants. If you use local honey all year long, you can even prevent, or at least reduce, seasonal allergies in the first place.

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