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5 Common Eye Injuries after a Car Accident

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 2.4 million people visit the emergency room each year because of an injury that occurred in a motor vehicle crash. It’s not just the crash itself that can cause injuries, but the vehicle’s movements before, during, and after the crash. The CDC reports that, during a crash, the force of impact can cause the eyes to move backward, forward, or inward. It’s possible to sustain an eye injury even if your seatbelt is on and your car doesn’t hit anything.

Trauma injuries

Trauma injuries are injuries caused by physical force. Trauma injuries may be caused by accidents, falls, or intentional injuries such as stab wounds, gunshot wounds, etc. Trauma injuries can be broken down into two categories: closed and open. Closed trauma injuries are injuries that do not break the skin. Examples of closed trauma injuries are broken bones, bruises, and sprains. Open trauma injuries are injuries that break the skin. Examples of open trauma injuries are lacerations, puncture wounds, and avulsions.

As with any injuries, the cost of seeking medical treatment for these is substantial. Make sure to not pay these out of your pocket and consult a personal injury lawyer if the accident was not your fault. Moreover, trauma injuries can range from minor bruises to severe and life-threatening ones, such as fractures and internal injuries to the eyes. The severity of the trauma injury depends on how fast the vehicle was traveling, type of vehicle, the position of the person in the vehicle, and other factors. 

Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment is a condition when the retina separates from the back wall of the eye. It can occur after a head injury if the eye has been exposed to a lot of pressure or, in the case of a detached retina, when a tear in the retina allows fluid to pass underneath it. The fluid can push on the retina, essentially pulling it loose. The condition may cause a floating spot to appear in your vision, which may get bigger. If left untreated, retinal detachment can cause permanent vision loss or blindness. If you experience any of the symptoms of a retinal detachment, you should see an eye surgery specialist immediately.

Reduced peripheral vision

Though peripheral vision is not as sharp as central vision, it still plays an important role in our everyday lives. In fact, it is the only way to see a moving object in our periphery. It’s vital to the task of driving or walking. A blow to the head or an impact on the eye can cause the eye muscles to contract, making it difficult to see in your peripheral vision. It is not uncommon for a person to have a headache after an accident, and the visual symptoms may not be apparent until hours or even days later.


Abrasion is a type of injury caused by rubbing one object against another. It is a category of friction burns. In some cases, it can also be caused by friction in the absence of an actual object, such as when the skin is rubbed directly by sandpaper. 

Abrasion is a type of laceration of the skin due to rubbing against a rough surface. It is often caused by a fall onto a rough surface or by dragging the skin across a rough surface. They are superficial wounds without bleeding into the underlying tissue. Abrasions can be isolated injuries or occur in conjunction with other injuries, such as a road rash. The extent of damage depends on the speed of the movement, the amount of friction, and the strength of the tissue. Abrasions are sometimes referred to as grazes, which are similar but involve a small amount of bleeding or scabbing. They are generally treated by cleaning the area, applying an antibiotic cream, and covering the wound with a bandage.


If you are involved in a car accident, you may have several types of injuries. However, one of the most common injuries to the eye that can occur is a rupture. The word “rupture” is a medical term that means a tear in a membrane or a wall of tissue. When car accidents occur, the impact can cause a rupture in the tissues of the eyes. The most common type of optic nerve rupture is a macular hole. This is a tear or hole in the macular, which is an area of the retina. It can lead to loss of central vision. Macular holes may not be noticed for several days. This is because the problem can develop slowly.

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