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Can You Take Kratom and Coffee Together

Kratom can boost your energy levels and keep you active, alert, and motivated for long periods of time. If you’re looking for an extra boost, you might consider mixing kratom with coffee. Here’s what to know about mixing the two stimulants before you buy kratom online. 

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is an herbal extract that contains mitragynine, a chemical with opioid-like characteristics when taken in large doses and stimulant characteristics in small quantities. Depending on your preference, you can chew, brew, or take Kratom in capsule form. 

Relationship Between Kratom and Coffee

The two stimulants come from the same botanical family – Rubiaceae. This is one of the largest angiosperm families, comprising Mitragyna speciosa, the evergreen tree that produces kratom, and Coffee, the coffee bean plant. These stimulants have more similarities beyond coming from the same botanical family. Here are the similarities and differences to know:

Similarities Between Kratom and Coffee

One fundamental similarity is that they share the same chemical composition. Kratom and coffee contain alkaloids, hence their similar effects on the human body. Consuming either product will energize you and keep you alert. 

The two products’ mode of consumption is also similar. You can brew kratom with hot water, and you can also do the same for coffee. 

Kratom and coffee are similar in taste and aroma. The two have a sweet aroma but are bitter, so some people prefer to add sweetening compounds. For coffee, you can add sugar, honey, or milk if you don’t enjoy the bitter taste. You can mix kratom with other beverages to mask its bitter taste if you like your drink sweet. 

Differences Between Kratom and Coffee

One of the most notable differences between the two stimulants is their alkaloid composition. Caffeine is the primary alkaloid component in coffee, whereas mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are the main alkaloids in kratom. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are more potent than caffeine, making kratom a more suitable option than coffee if you’re looking for an extra energy boost. 

Can You Combine Kratom and Coffee?

While you can consume the two stimulants independently, combining them presents unique benefits. For instance, you can enjoy a more prolonged energy boost. Kratom gives an instant energy boost, whereas coffee offers a more constant energy stream. When you mix these stimulants, you can get instant alertness and stay alert for longer.

Kratom can reduce the uneasiness felt by some people after drinking coffee. It has a calming effect and supports relaxation, so you can mix the two if coffee gives you anxiety. 

There’s no standard dosage for mixing the two stimulants. Start small with low doses of each to understand your body’s reaction. You’ll know you’ve reached optimal dosage when the mix energizes you and keeps you alert for longer than each independent stimulant. 

Best Kratom Strains To Mix With Coffee

White and green vein kratom are the best strains to combine with coffee since they’re slow and mild. Moderate strains help with relaxation and increase alertness. Here are white vein and green vein strains to consider:

  • White-Thai
  • White-Kali
  • White-Indo
  • White-Borneo
  • Green-Malay
  • Green-Indo
  • Green-Kali

You can mix coffee with the red vein kratom strain to enhance relaxation or alleviate pain or discomfort. Use a low dose of the red vein strain since it’s a fast strain with a powerful sedating effect. Always get your kratom from verified vendors for the highest-quality strains. 

Buy Kratom Online and Mix It With Your Morning Coffee

Combining kratom and coffee can be an excellent way to get an extra boost from your morning beverage. The two stimulants contain alkaloids with differing effects on the human body. 

Kratom offers an instant energy boost, whereas coffee gives a steady stream of energy. Mixing the two can energize you faster and keep you alert for longer. Buy kratom online and mix it with coffee to feel more energetic and alert.

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