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5 Tips On How To Choose The Best Blue Light Glasses For Your Fase

The more time we spend staring eat the screen, the more we strain our eyes. In fact, you must have already heard about how screens give off blue light. These are the reasons why our eyes hurt when watching a screen for a long time. 

If that caught your attention, maybe you must also have heard about blue light glasses. While there are many things that increase eye strain, there are a lot of ways you can reduce it as well.

While you can’t avoid blue light completely, you can use blue light glasses to protect your eyes while watching digital screens. 

What Is Blue Light?

Blue light is what it sounds like – Blue Light. Although this is not the complete picture, this is where light and color theory comes into play. If we talk about the details, we need to talk about Plank’s theory. We will not go that deep into the woods. Instead, we will discuss the blue light from the light spectrum.

The color white isn’t universal. There is no singular white light. In fact, it is the collective light that is called white. Depending on how the light is being reflected, you will be able to see different colors of light coming from the white light.

Out of the light spectrum known to mankind, the blue light spectrum of the light is called blue light. 

It is this spectrum that radiates from the digital screen we see today. 

The Problem With Blue Light Exposure

Before you can understand how blue light exposure is related to eye strain, you first need to understand how you are exposed to blue light.

Blue light is everywhere and it does have a certain level of impact on the body. The impact of blue is to the point that after entering your eyes, it tells your brain that it is daytime.

That being said, you can imagine getting the impulse of the day when you are about to sleep. It will completely alter your sleeping pattern, having a negative effect on your body.

When you are exposed to blue light, your brain is always active, telling you that it is daytime. Your eyes and muscles are always active to balance the amount of light entering your body. As a result, you end up straining your eyes.

What’s more, lack of sleep also relates to hunger hormones. So, avoiding blue light is important, especially when your job is all about looking at the screen. 

Experts advise people to use blue light glasses to minimize exposure. Click here to know more on that.

Tips To Select The Best Blue Light Glasses For Your Face

How often are you exposed to blue light? Blue light is everywhere. Even the sun’s rays have a blue light. If you can protect yourself from the sun’s rays, all the digital screens around you have a blue light. 

While a certain amount of blue light is healthy for your body, too much blue light can cause eye strain and affect your sleep. Hence, it is important that you buy the right blue light glass. 

Below we have listed a few tips that will help you find the perfect glasses.

Find The Right Lens Color

Blue light glasses come in three different lens colors – yellow, orange, and clear lens. However, all of them are made with the same basic technology to reflect blue lights. 

The clear ones are the most inconspicuous, so they are typically the most famous ones out there. Orange color lenses were considered to offer a great balance of partial blue light, but experts advised using clear or red ones for complete blue light reflection.

Compare Frames

Now that you know the types of lense and which lenses are ideal for your need. It is time to shop for frames. When choosing a blue light glass, it means that you will be wearing it all day long. In that case, you must go for a frame that is comfortable.

While you are searching for style, do not forget to choose one for style that goes with your outfit. So, choose a frame that is not only comfortable but also matches your style statement.

Select A Frame Based On Face Shape

Just because you’re buying a blue light glass doesn’t mean you can have any frame for your face. Every face falls into a different shape category. And based on these categories, there are a few frames that go perfectly with it. 

For instance, if you have a round face, going with frames having corners (Square and rectangular) will look nice. However, if you have a tall or rectangular face, going with curvy frames might look great.

Flaunt Your Personality

Blue light glasses are not only for protecting your eyes but also for adding a new element to your personality. In fact, frames are the perfect way to showcase your personality. So, in the process of learning how to select the right frame, you can’t forget to take your personality into consideration.

Knowing how to select the right frame for professional use is also important. It is necessary that you select the frame that makes you more presentable when you are in the workplace.

The Problems Of Poor Fit

It is important to ensure that the blue light glasses you buy are a perfect fit. If it’s not a perfect fit, it will only cause problems for you.

A poor fit can cause –

  • Nose ache and pain if the glasses are too heavy.
  • Ear pain and redness.
  • The need for constant adjustment.
  • Glasses sliding down the nose.
  • Side glare distracting you.
  • Crooked appearance.
  • General headache and discomfort.

Finding Your Perfect Fit

So, how do you find the perfect pair of blue light glasses? Well, when it comes down to selection, there are many factors that come into play. We have already discussed those factors and discussed how to use them to find the perfect fit.

We hope that this article helps you find what you were looking for. Even after reading this article, if you face any problem, contact us. We are always ready to help our readers.

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