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Convey Your Brand’s Unique Values With Custom Designed Websites

The key to building a solid brand identity is effective brand communication. A constant and clear message fosters trust between you and your target audience. Successful brands become recognized and may generate revenue based only on their reputation.

To advertise your brand nowadays, you must have a strong digital presence. This is when your website comes into play. As a brand manager, you should commission a website that represents the core of your products and services while turning website visitors into perspective leads.

You can take advantage of the latest web technologies today to build a fully integrated website for your company.

However, designing a professional and visually-appealing website can be a challenge, especially for small businesses with a limited budget. Luckily, many full-service web development services, like Arturo Digital Software Company, offer affordable custom website development services to convey your brand’s unique values to the target audience.

Here are a few things you should remember when outsourcing your custom website.

Know the Basics of a Good Website

An effective website needs to be more than just an online space. It can serve as a powerful storytelling tool to convey your brand’s personality and create a strong connection with the customers.

In that sense, a good website represents your brand’s unique platform. As a front door to your brand, it should communicate the right information about your product or services in an instant. Your website should also have the right call-to-action that enables potential buyers to interact meaningfully with your brand. Every visitor should be able to view your offerings, contact your team, or order a product directly.

A striking visual theme is a great way to convey your brand values, and there are many ways to do that. We recommend working with experts in the industry who are experienced in creative design, color theory, and efficient front-end and back-end coding.

It is equally essential for you to have a hands-on approach to the website design process. A competent website design team like Arturo Digital Software Company understands this and is willing to have the brand custodians involved in the various stages of custom website designing.

Why Choose a Custom Design Over a Template?

A template is a preset layout for functional menus, dynamic content, and static features. Website templates can quickly fit your product portfolio into a predetermined design, so they help speed up the web design process. They also work for sub-brands as it can be economical for an extensive collection of products.

However, there are a few reasons why you should use a custom design for your brand’s website rather than a run-of-the-mill website template design.

1. Custom Designs are Unique

The main reason for using a custom design instead of a template is simple: it is unique. Your brand will stand out from the rest. To express it in another way, your brand has its own personality. Custom website development services will allow you to convey values that reflect the brand’s persona in a way that resonates with your customers.

An exclusive design gives the impression that you have put serious thought into your branding, and customers will appreciate the effort put into this direction. It is a net positive to your value proposition and builds trust and reputation for your brand.

2. Custom Designs Give You More Control over User Experience

Templates are usually simple, as the goal is often to make something that is quick and dirty. Custom websites are, on the other hand, built to your preferences. You can choose what functionalities to add or remove to the website, such as the menu and body layout and navigation levels.

Customization, therefore, allows you to control the information flow on the website. You can create a website designed for impulsive buyers, who want less information, or more involved buyers, who want to know the details before making a purchase decision. You can also use custom templates to create adaptive websites that change their styles to buyer personas. Buyer personas are based on demographics (age, gender, or location) or psychographics (lifestyle, purpose).

Finally, custom websites are great for integrating process workflows unique to your own business. Perhaps you have a complicated multi-step ordering process, and you would like to gather as much information from users during this process. Or maybe you want to create a website that makes it easier to add and showcase branded content to visitors. These are situations where custom layouts work much better for your brand.

3. Custom Designed Website Optimized for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital in doing business online, where over 90% of your traffic is dependent on its visibility in search engines. Making your website SEO ready will go a long way in improving your brand’s online performance and ranking well in search engines.

Website developers can use custom coding to index content efficiently. Your users will be able to search for relevant content faster, and your website will also rank higher in search results. A poorly optimized or not optimized website can result in slow searches, even though it loads quickly. This can lead to an overall poor user experience.

As search engines constantly change to improve their algorithms and functionality, websites need to adapt to these changes quickly and effectually. So why would you ever want to be stuck with an old, outdated web template?

4. Custom Designs Give Your Website a Modern Look

Custom templates are becoming increasingly popular as more businesses realize the importance of website designs tailored to their branding themes. More brands are turning to software service companies for custom website development services. The chances are that your competitors are doing the same. Doing that opposite would mean that your brand looks outdated or like a shady commercial operation.

For instance, more brands are going for a blend of minimal clutter with seamless and responsive scrolling navigation. This is the new norm for professional websites. The days of complex menus with cluttered interfaces are long gone.

As you know, brand image and consumer perception make or break the brand. If customers think your website looks too unprofessional, sloppy, or commonplace, they will also be hesitant to trust your brand. Working on a unique design helps overcome this drawback inherent in template websites.

5. Custom Templates are Flexible

With customized templates, you can have a flexible website platform that is readily adaptable to meet evolving customer demands and expectations. This is particularly important when your business is expanding.

You can design your website in a manner that allows it to scale its capacity when traffic and customer demands are high. You can also make room for features you may want to use later. Elements like localization and additional data capture are helpful when your brand captures new markets and targets more audiences around the globe.

6. Custom Designs are Cost-Effective

Most templates have limited functionality. That means that your website capabilities will prove to be limited or restrictive as time goes on. You might be charged additional fees for add-ons to integrate other software, security options, or more features to the base template. So while a template can have low upfront fees, it can become more expensive to maintain in the long run.

Custom websites designs are designed and managed by experienced software companies. These professional service providers offer multiple complimentary services such as 24/7 live support and troubleshooting, allowing you to save a decent amount on the upkeep.


If you are looking for a customer-centric website that offers a seamless brand union and better customer journeys while being more adaptable to your company’s needs, then custom-designed is clearly the best choice.  

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Successfully communicating your brand values requires your website designer to be on the same page as your marketing team. By using website designs tailored to your brand’s values and collaborating closely with experienced software service providers, you can unleash the power of custom websites to deliver compelling experiences for your customers. Let’s not forget that they offer more flexibility, better scalability, and more ownership and control over your content.

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