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Four Warning Signs You Need to Arrange a Vet Visit for Your Cat

Everyone needs four-pawed furry friends in their life. Whether you look at them playing with their toys or taking a careless nap, a single glimpse can take all worries away. All cat people can agree that the well-being of their little pal comes before everything else.

That is why all cat parents take their furry friends for regular checkups. These checkups can help you catch up on early signs of diseases and keep up with their vaccinations. However, regular visits are not enough to ensure the best in favor of your cat.

As a pet parent, one must always be vigilant and look out for signs that may indicate problems. Here are a few signs that can help you take your furry friend to the vet in time.

1. Signs of Distress

The stoical nature of cats is one of the many reasons their owners love them. Unlike many other pets, cats remain calm and collected most of the time and do not pose much difficulty for their owners. A sudden change in their behavior must alarm the cat owners to plan a trip to the vet.

If you notice your cat howling or yelping continuously, there may be some problems. Of course, all is sorted if you figure out what the problem is. However, the inability to understand and sort out the problem is a well enough reason to take your cat to a trusted vet.

2. Urinary Obstructions

All cat owners understand that these animals demand privacy when doing their business. That is why cat litter boxes are always recommended to be placed in a quiet and private corner of your home. However, it does not mean that you must not care about changes in their activity.

Cats, usually males, may be at higher risk of urinary obstruction. This condition prevents male cats from passing urine. Hence, if your car urinates outside the litter box or strains unusually while urinating, it is wise to get in touch with a vet. Urinary obstructions can be fatal to cats otherwise.

3. Frequent Vomiting

It is usual behavior for cats to throw up food or hair every now and then. Every cat owner understands these challenges and is always prepared to clean a little bit of the mess. However, it can be a cause for concern if your cat throws up repeatedly.

You must consult the vet if your cat keeps vomiting and stops eating, drinking, and urinating. It is best to visit the emergency room if the behavior continues over days.

4. Weak Back Legs

All cats have a playful mood where they like to jump around from one place to another. It can be a cheerful sight for the cat owners. However, it is not uncommon for cats to have problems with their back legs due to conditions such as aortic thromboembolism and saddle thrombus.

This condition creates blood clots in the back legs that can cause weakness and paralysis. It is important to get in touch with a vet if you see these signs.

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