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History Of Morale Patches

Morale patches are a favorite of soldiers, police officers, and civilians. But what is their history? We have a long history with morale patches. Let’s begin by defining what a morale pad is.

What Is A Morale Patch?

A morale patch is a small piece of fabric that has an insignia or letter, logo, design, quote, or design. It is sewn onto a soldier’s uniform. These patches are used to identify a unit’s membership, such as a brigade or division. These Ultrapatches are meant to foster pride and loyalty among members of a group.

Origins Of The Morale Patch

Since at least the beginning of the 20th century, morale patches have been in use. This was possibly before World War I. The 81st Division Wildcats in World War I was the first to have a US Army morale patch. To boost morale, the Wildcats needed an identifiable representation of their unit. This led to the creation of the morale patches. General Pershing directed every division to make and wear patches that were unique to their unit within a few days of the patch’s adoption. Morale patches have been found in the military and police services ever since.


Soon after they were introduced, soldiers began to customize morale patches to express their individuality and show their loyalty to a brigade. This customization led to patch trading. This practice started as a way for soldiers to trade their patches. However, it soon spread to civilians. Law enforcement agencies started creating their morale patch, which made both the armed forces and law enforcement more approachable to the public. There are still traders and collectors of morale patches everywhere you look, from flea markets to thrift shops. The most sought-after collector’s items are morale patches, from World War I to the present.

Morale Patches Today

There are many ways to use morale patches. Some divisions have stricter uniform regulations. The majority of uniforms have Velcro on bags, backpacks, and hats. This allows for quick application and removal of morale patches depending on which unit the soldier is in. Today, morale patches have a wider range of uses than their original purpose. There are many options for morale patches that include medical information such as allergies, blood type, and preexisting conditions. You can also find patches with inspirational quotes and patches with meaningful or amusing symbolism. These patches can be used to show off one’s individuality and build solidarity among soldiers.

Veteran Pride

Not only are morale patches popular with active duty soldiers but they can also be used widely within the military veteran community. Even if they don’t have a uniform, many veterans still wear morale patches on their jackets and hats long after the uniform is retired. Veterans can use this to highlight any special jobs they have, the dates they served, their service during conflicts, and any other information or events that are important to them. Pins that are adorned with former morale patches are also quite common. These pins are easier to wear on many different clothing types, so veterans can always have these symbols nearby. Morale patches are an integral part of any civilian or active-duty uniform.

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