However, sometimes a person may need instant cash for unexpected bills or expenses and payday loans can be the best solution for this. Payday loans are short-term loans that are usually repaid in a lump sum by the person borrowing the money through their next paycheck. The amazing thing about payday loans is that they are available to any borrower with a regular salaried job and a regular income. Most lenders do not require a borrower to have good credit or any credit at all to get a payday loan. This means that there are payday loans available to people with bad credit.
Where to get a payday loan with no credit, or even bad credit?
Maria Saenz, CEO of Fast Title Loans, thought that “Bad credit is not an obstacle to getting a payday loan if you follow the tips below. As a rule, you will find payday loan lenders that don’t require any credit check at all. They will also usually make the processing of your loan application as simple as possible and won’t require you to provide any unnecessary paperwork”.
Payday loan lenders that don’t require a credit check will usually ask for proof of income, for example, a copy of your paycheck stub. If you don’t have a steady monthly income, you may get the loan with no credit check provided you have a guarantor — someone who agrees to pay your loan in case you don’t. It’s also possible to get a payday loan with bad credit by proving you have a steady income and can meet your financial obligations in the future.
However, you will need to provide a cosigner. If you don’t have a steady income, but your credit history is not too bad and you have a cosigner, you may also qualify for a payday loan with bad credit.
How to get a payday loan with a prepaid debit card?
Payday loans are one of the fastest ways to get some cash in your pocket. However, the problem with payday loans is that not everyone can get them. Some lenders will not give a payday loan to a borrower with a prepaid debit card. So how do you still get a payday loan? Well, the first thing to do is to check with your bank or credit union to see if they offer a payday loan. If they do, then you should be good to go.
If not, then you should try a payday loan store. These stores are specifically for payday loans so you should be in good hands. If you need to get a payday loan with a prepaid debit card, then check out the store’s online site. If they do not have a site, then they probably do not offer payday loans with a prepaid debit card.
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