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How To Prepare Nursery School Kids Extremely Smart?

Parenting is an art that parents learn over the period and raising kids is no cakewalk. Providing children is one thing and raising them right is another. There are no set rules that can guarantee parenting success but there are a few science-backed techniques that parents can use to raise smart, well-rounded kids.

Kids Learn Social skills in Nursery school 

As per the researchers of Pennsylvania State and Duke University, there is a positive correlation between children’s social skills in Nursery school and success in early adulthood. In Nursery children learn social skills by interacting with other students, sharing and playing with them. So teaching your child social skills as early as possible will help them to succeed in later years as they would already know how to resolve issues with friends, share things, communicate, listen, and help others.

Don’t Overprotect

Yes, most parents do this mistake unknowingly, they overprotect and rush to fix things for them instead of allowing them to do it for themselves 

As per a Harvard University study, kids should be allowed to make mistakes in order to learn lessons from them that stay with them for life long and they develop resilience and resourcefulness which set them up for success. Teachers in the Best schools in Dubai observe children and give them enough time to solve puzzles and carry out activities by themselves which helps kids in their learning on their own.

Giving Them The Right Environment Through Nursery school

Research shows that giving them the right environment at home and enrolling them to the best nursery school is of utmost importance as it lays foundations for elementary years and achievement in later years. As in Nursery school, your child will get to learn all basic literacy and develop all essential skills that would make them smart. Teachers’ guidance, work materials, learning, and sharing with other kids will make them elementary school ready.

Let Them Use Their Creativity

Too much screen time makes kids lazy as they are entertained without doing anything. They do not use their body or brain and are not active which leads to rusting of brainpower and efficiency. So you need to make sure to set a time in a day for a couple of hours where either they are playing with other kids out, which will make them active, or give them work material like paper, colors, crafts, creative play, memory games, etc where they can use their creativity to spend some quality time and learn at the same time. The more, they are active physically and mentally, the more, they will become smarter.

Best schools in Dubai teachers give freedom to children to choose whatever they want and let them use their creativity to solve things on their own.

Right Praising

Most of the time parents praise kids in the wrong way(unknowingly). For eg:-

“Wow, you are so smart, you got Grade A without even studying”

In this way, we are insulting kids (even though in a funny way) but we are making them believe that they are not good.

Parents should always praise kids for their efforts and how they are improving day by day in order to build confidence which will help them to be smarter. Best schools in Dubai Teachers make sure to appreciate children for their efforts and reward them accordingly.

Be a Role Model

It’s a no-brainer, kids spend most of the time at home, they see their parents,  elders, and teachers in school and mimic their behaviors so it is very essential to be role models for them.

Check on your and others’ behaviors at home, cultivate good habits for yourself, and do smart things like reading, writing, and creative stuff which will create interest in them and they can learn too.

Introduce Music

It is seen that kids who are introduced to music in their early years exhibit greater increases in IQ and learning advantages in academics. So make sure that you incorporate music in their daily to day life and do check if the Nursery school you have finalized for them has Music activities.

Help Your Child Learn Self-Discipline

In Nursery school, teachers include activities that teach children to learn self-discipline and good habits. Teach your child all the good habits but Self-Discipline is most important as it will work when IQ doesn’t. As per various research, willpower is a keystone to individual success, and kids who have self-discipline or have high levels of willpower are more likely to earn higher grades and be successful in the future.

Active Learning

If you want your child to develop skills and be smart, it is always better to let them explore it by doing it, as real learning should be active and they learn fast by doing things. Best schools in Dubai teachers believe practical learnings or hands-on experience are best in order to learn lessons as it stays with them for a lifetime. 

Healthy Lifestyle

If you want your child to be smarter, give them healthy foods and not finger food. Giving them nutritious foods will help in the cognitive health of your child as the micronutrients will help to repair the body. Thus eating the right healthy food can actually foster intelligence and boost memory.

Happy Kids = Smarter and Successful Kids

Happier kids are more likely to turn into smarter, successful kids as happiness improves moods and concentration which indirectly improves kids’ performance. Provide your kid right environment by enrolling them in the Best schools in Dubai, teach them good habits, teach them how to value relationships with other people, how to exercise, give them the right food, and portray the right model in front of them so that they gain good character traits, learn the art of self-discipline, leadership, honesty and help others, etc All these little habits will help your child to be happy internally which will reflect in their performance.


Every parent has a dream for their child that they should become smarter and more successful in life. As per the National Institute of Health, research shows that 50% of intelligence comes from genetics, while the other 50% comes from the environment children are raised in. So it’s your responsibility as a parent to provide the right environment at home and enroll them in the best nursery school which focuses on overall development such as academic, intellectual, physical, and emotional development which will help them to become smarter in all areas of life.

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