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Three Early Signs of Roof Damage

As a homeowner, you will want to know the signs that ask for a roof replacement. The thing about the roof is that homeowners tend to neglect this exterior space the most. In other words, homeowners tend to forget about roof repairs until they detect major problems that make them rush towards getting the services of roof repairs land o’ lakes fl to fix the problems.

The thing about roof repair is that these can be costly, which is why you will want to assess the roof at least twice a year and detect any early signs of damage.

Here is the list of potential early signs of roof damage that you will want to look out for as a homeowner:

Water Damage

The first thing that you will want to look out for is roof damage caused by water. The thing about water damage is that it can be easily mistaken for something else. However, if you detect damp patches on the upper floors, you will want to assess the roof for signs of potential roof damage.

Ideally, you will want to get an expert on board, such as a professional from roofing repair gilbert az, who will make the repairs accordingly. You will want to take water damage seriously because even the smallest mold, damp patches, and watermarks can be a sign of water seeping on from the roof. It could also mean that the roof has a crack or hole that needs fixing.

Moss Growth

Another early sign that your roof is damaged is mold or mass growth. If mold grows outside on the roof, it could cause the roof tiles to part forcefully, creating cracks and ultimately causing water to seep into the interior of your house.

It is important to mention here that as a homeowner, you will want to regularly check your roof for the early signs of roof damage, including mildew, moss, and rotting of the tiles. Once you detect any of these early signs of roof damage, you will want to get things fixed as soon as you can; otherwise, the fungi will keep growing and cause serious damage to the roof.

Roof Cracks

Sometimes, cracks or holes in the roof cannot be detected easily. So, you will want to make it a habit to turn on the light in the upper rooms that are right below the roof. Do this every now and then after sunset. Just turn on the light and see whether you can see the light coming through the roof.

Now, if you can detect light coming through the roof, it is a tell-tale sign that the roof has holes and cracks that need fixing immediately. You will want to call a professional repairman who will determine whether you need a roof replacement or whether the specific damage can be fixed on its own.

The Takeaway

As a homeowner, you will want to understand that home ownership is all about taking responsibility for your house. And when it comes to the house, you will want to pay attention to the interior and exterior of your house, including the roof.

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