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Judicial Pakistani Divorce Certificate For Females

Judicial Pakistani Divorce Certificate:

If you need judicial Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan, you may contact Jamila Law Associates.


ANALYSIS The first question, which was awaiting interpretation by Pakistan’s judiciary, concerned the consequences for failing to notify the chairman of talaq for Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan. Syed Ali Nawaz Gardezi and Lt.-Col. Muhammad Yusuf, the Supreme Court of Pakistan, held the following: If the husband didn’t give notice of his talaq to a chairman, he was deemed to have revoked that talaq. This case is quite fascinating. Ali Nawaz Gardezi (a Shi’a Muslim living in Pakistan) married Christa Renate Sunday in Hull, England. They then moved to Lahore. Renate met Lieutenant Col. Yusuf at Quetta in August. After a while, they fell in love.

Islamic rituals:

Yusuf was transferred to Quetta by Renate on December 31st. Yusuf married Renate in Quetta, according to Islamic rituals. Renate was deemed to have converted to Islam and received the new name Ruqayya. Gardezi filed a complaint to the Pakistan Penal Code on Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan under sections and against Yusuf. This was because Yusuf had enticed his wife, and they committed adultery together. Yusuf pled guilty to both charges by a single West Pakistan High Court judge. He was also fined and sent to prison for a period of one year on each count and up to six years on the second. After Yusuf’s intra-court appeal, the whole bench of the West Pakistan High Court found him innocent of both charges and allowed his appeal.

Child Maintenance in Pakistan:

Gardezi appealed on Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan, however, to the Supreme Court due to many legal questions. Yusuf was able to defend himself by claiming that Gardezi had actually divorced Renate. Gardezi also produced before the court an alleged divorce decree signed by Gardezi in December. Gardezi challenged Gardezi’s deed of divorce. Although the trial judge determined that the deed was fake, the appeals bench considered it authentic.

Supreme Court:

 The Supreme Court on Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan decided not to resolve the issue of whether or not the deed was authentic. A number of objections were possible to Renate’s alleged divorce document. The court found that Renate’s assertions that she had become Muslim were unsupported by any evidence. This was because there were no witnesses and no maulvi (religious scholars) present on Renate’s declaration that Islam is her new religion.


The court said, “There is no escape from concluding that Christarenate, based on her own evidence, had not been properly divorceed by the complainant since she was not a Muslim at that time.” Secondly, Gardezi allegedly pronounced Gardezi’s talaq (triple divorce). However, because he was a Shi’a Muslim, this talaq was not valid under Shi’a legal. The Shi’a law says that a husband cannot make his wife’s marriage talaq irrevocable. Shi’a law on Pakistani divorce certificate or child maintenance in Pakistan further requires that there be two witnesses and that specific words can be exchanged. (sega), to pronounce talaq.

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